Sunday, May 25, 2008

Why must all good things come to an end?

I've been thinking that since last weekend pretty much.
And I've yet to come up with a reasonable answer, except that everything and everyone must move on at some point in life.
There are those who move on and those who are left behind.
I'm usually the one left behind, and I'm ready to be the one to move on.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Am I a monster when I sink my teeth into her when I don't love her?
No, I don't love you.
Forgive me darling, but love has nothing to do with this
It has nothing to do with how I can't stop until I get what I want from you.

This is what real men keep quiet.
It doesn't exist if you can hide it behind your teeth
and sleep at night next to your wife,
who you love too much to tell her you don't love her at all.

I just feel as empty as the lungs of those waiting in the womb.
Do you feel as empty as the lungs of those waiting to come into this world,
where being beautiful means being used?

And how long will we blame the devils on our shoulders,
and pose like angels on the outside?
When all I am is a monster...all I am is a monster.

This is what real men keep quiet.
It doesn't exist if you can hide it behind your teeth and sleep at night.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's a long walk to the top of the world.
But once you get there you'll find that you're all alone.


I had this exact thought etched in my mind the other day when I posted but I thought about how you could take it both ways, or maybe both ways mean the same thing really.
Being at the top of the world as in stardom and being rich and famous isn't really all it's cut out to be. Everyone idolizes you and would like nothing more than to get to meet you and have you sign your name on a piece of paper, as if your handwriting were any better than theirs. They don't look at you as a regular human being, therefore friendship is hard to find amongst "peasants" (not that non-famous people are inferior to famous people). But let's face it, there's no way britney spears is going to hang out with a bunch of her fans because it would be so awkward for her to be sitting around with a bunch of people who worship the ground she walks on and expect an authentic friendship out of them.
At the same time, literally being at the top of the world (which would be mount everest) is a very lonely place because there's nobody else up there. So even though you've worked so hard to get to climb this mountain, you might have a few people along with you for support but in the end you really have no one that you're close to. Sure, these people followed you up to the top of a mountain, but as soon as you climb down it you probably won't be too close with those same people because for all you know, they were just in it for the ride.
I don't know if that makes sense or not, but it makes perfect sense to me.