Wednesday, June 10, 2009

lying, tangled tongues.

The words you tried so hard to say
Crumpled as you wrote them down.
Honesty without the modesty.
A single word could end it all.
The request and the response.
But you've rolled your tongue up in a lie;
Forever caged behind your teeth.
What was that you tried to say?
Spit it out, the venom will only sting momentarily.
Let this be a reminder for the remainder of time.
I should've known not to trust you, snake.
Like Adam, I fell for the oldest trick in the (Good) book.
The heavens opened up and we were refused.
And now I must live this lie with you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

we're going to hell.

It's been a good month since I've even visited my blog.

Now here I am--one month later. One month wiser, older, darker, fatter, etc...
The point is I'm here, the question is why?

...And they're off.
And they were moving so fast.
So fast--but they didn't think to stop.
You can't stop this from happening.
Sit back and watch, your friends are going straight to hell.
(No corner stores, no rest stops)
They didn't think that the wind would catch their drift and sweep them under the bed like the photographs that tell the stories you wish you would forget.
You waited too long to sing the song of salvation.
Now we sing the song of separation,
And they will live with their regrets.

I had a dream earlier today while I napped.
I layed on the couch and I was woken by my mother, who seemed to be alarmed by something. The television aired a college baseball regional game. I sat up and tried to recall this dream I just had about my friends going to hell. It was so vivid and real. I never felt more worried for the lives of my friends in my life. And I thought, why do I worry for them so? I'll worry myself to death at the rate I'm going. And then I thought, isn't it weird that I'm not always this worried about my friends? I know not everyone cares this much about other people at all times and it worries me that they don't.
Take some time to let people know how much you care about them, you never know when it'll be too late to save them from themselves.