Thursday, May 31, 2007

Standing on the edge of summer

So I've been out of school for approximately 3 weeks now...needless to say I'm pretty glad. It's been a pretty chill summer so far. There hasn't been any bumpin summer parties yet, but that's all bound to change.
Memorial weekend called for my first road trip of the summer. Brian, Josh, Tyler Kemp, and myself went to Two Buttes, CO on was a pretty spontaneous trip. It was my first time going and I had a blast even though we had to leave Monday morning at 6:00 Colorado time/7:00 Kansas time because I had to work at 9:45 A.M. I was late, of course...we barely made it back to G.C. at 9:30 but it was so worth it.
Grand Daddy, you've got mine name all over you next time (which might just be next weekend!)

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