Thursday, June 28, 2007

So last night was the big show in GC. It was a pretty sweet line-up, not even gonna lie...Her Candane, Volia (?), Divide the Day, The Answer is Never, and $3 Bill. It was actually my first time seeing dylan's band (TAIN) play, and I was pretty impressed, mainly with the guitars but I'm probably just biased because I love dilly...either way it was a good time I got to hang out with rubie by my side pretty much all night, so that was definitely a plus! I hadn't seen her since like my last day of school!... :\
After the show, we got to thinkin and we decided to throw a little party over at brian/madison's crib and it turned out to be a lot more people than I thought would actually show. Not gonna least 45 people came through that door that was pretty fuckin packed. It was a good time, we all got to know all the guys from the bands and they were a bunch of really good dudes...I can't wait till they come through again.
We also got anh's little sister drunk at her first party! Wooooooo go E.T.!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 a result of signals getting crossed

Lately I've had this feeling that wants to pour from within me...and I don't really know what it is. I feel like I've got to get it all out, but where to start and who to start with? Or is there even a who? I feel like I could sit down and write what could be my best piece of work ever, but when I get around to it, I find myself in a blank stare with a blank piece of notebook paper staring back at me.
Sometimes I feel like I should just give up writing, and never look back. It's a curse having all these thoughts pushing and shoving to get out of my head, through my hand that keeps this pen moving along.

Please disregard, I'm just a little shook up...I'm going on 3 hours of sleep.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Anh's 18th

So anh turned 18 yesterday and I thought I'd do him one better instead of getting him something I thought I'd throw him a surprise little shindig at brian and madison's, soon to be my place as well. It was a lot of fun, we quite a few people over and just had a jolly time gettin crunk...we ended up leaving close to 1 or so...I can't really remember I was pretty tipsy by that point.

Me, Jon U, Anh, Chelsea Sheib, and Jenn went back to Jenn's to go swimming after that. Some other guys showed up but none of them got in the pool, not even Anh...on his own birthday! I mean, sure he can't swim but there's a shallow end, right?! Not to mention, Chelsea and Jenn both got naked in the pool just so he would get in and he still didn't. So it was just Me, Jon U, Sheebs and Jenn swimming naked in the pool for a while...

Kudos to Jenn on having a pretty badass pool that stays like the perfect temperature to go swimming at night.

Happy turning 18 yesterday anh!
Now go buy some porn, lotto tickets, and cigarettes.