Thursday, June 28, 2007

So last night was the big show in GC. It was a pretty sweet line-up, not even gonna lie...Her Candane, Volia (?), Divide the Day, The Answer is Never, and $3 Bill. It was actually my first time seeing dylan's band (TAIN) play, and I was pretty impressed, mainly with the guitars but I'm probably just biased because I love dilly...either way it was a good time I got to hang out with rubie by my side pretty much all night, so that was definitely a plus! I hadn't seen her since like my last day of school!... :\
After the show, we got to thinkin and we decided to throw a little party over at brian/madison's crib and it turned out to be a lot more people than I thought would actually show. Not gonna least 45 people came through that door that was pretty fuckin packed. It was a good time, we all got to know all the guys from the bands and they were a bunch of really good dudes...I can't wait till they come through again.
We also got anh's little sister drunk at her first party! Wooooooo go E.T.!

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