Saturday, January 17, 2009

hard candy.

So it's hard for me to admit I'm wrong, to admit guilt, and to admit defeat. Those three things I cannot do with ease. My whole life, it's just been that way for some reason.
I didn't just have some big epiphany or anything, I've known this for a while.
And's hard for me to admit that I'm admitting to all three at once.
I admit was wrong about someone. Very wrong. I thought you were someone you're obviosuly not. And I'm sure everyone else thought likewise...not that they had any reason not to. You made everyone believe your lies, including yourself.
I admit I feel guilty for what I did. Not that you wouldn't have done it, but I just didn't want it to be this way. It really wasn't a big deal, or so I thought, at the time. You really got inside my head and I don't know how.
I admit defeat because it looks like you turned the tables on me and now I've fallen for this bear trap hidden behind the rose bushes. You can go ahead and let me go know.

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