Monday, August 17, 2009

3:10 to you, ma.

I had the craziest dream just now. I can't go back to sleep until I get this one out, or, at least, what's left of this vivid dream. And I mean vivid. So it should be fresh in my memory.
It started out with me and Russel Crowe in 3:10 to Yuma in what appeared to be a public area. We were at the bottom of a set of concrete stairs that seemed to lead to a train station. We seemed to be partners in crime, as he was describing our next big move with his back turned to me. He was kneeling down, putting his guns in a briefcase but before he could finish I pull my gun on him. The click of the barrel stops him dead in his tracks and he turns to look at me over his shoulder. "Do you really think you have what it takes to kill your own partner?" Without hesitation I pulled the trigger but I was out of ammunition. I quickly reach for his gun and gain possesion of it, he stares straight down the barrel without flinching. I was unsure of how to use his gun. Before I could react he slapped the side of the gun, hitting the magazine release button. The magazine hit the floor and he took off running. I chased after him and shot him in the leg, severly wounding him, but not enough to slow him down.
He left his briefcase full of weapons but I didn't care for any of his weapons, I just wanted this beautiful glass pipe that was inside of it. As I took it from the briefcase I heard a woman's voice yelling, "Don't hurt him! Don't hurt him!"
"Shit, it's my mom," was all I could think. I ran back down the stairs but the common area somehow shape-shifted itself into an exact replica of my old room. [Except the room was set up how it was when I was really young and had to share a room with my sister because our house wasn't finished yet. There was two twin-sized beds instead of my one full-sized bed.]
I quickly went to hide my guns and things under my bed and my mom walked down the stairs as I layed down on my bed. She started walking about the room picking up my dirty clothes scattered throughout and she made her way over to my bed. She knew I was up to something. She immediately searched under my bed and found nothing but dirty magazines [that I never really had to begin with], took them, and went on her way.
I must have taken a nap because I was awakened by noises coming from outside the walls of my bedroom. I looked up at my window and saw the silhouette of a man glaring right through the shades. He poked his head in, turned to me and locked eyes. While he climbed through my window, another man walked in through the front door and into my room.
I was scared shitless because I knew what this man was capable of and it didn't help that he went this far to deliver a message; strictly revenge. I asked him what they did to my mother and they began laughing histarically. They seemed amused by the fact that I would even bring that up.
"You're mother isn't home to save you, I'm sorry."
"Where did you guys take her?" I replied.
"What are you talking about, you moron? She wasn't here when we got here."
I got up out of bed and walked to my front door to check for myself. There was no sign of her vehicle. I thought, "Where the hell could she be?" I checked the time, it was 7:08 P.M. It was a Wednesday. She was at church, of course. I walked back into my room and there were several people gathered round, but this time there was also a few familiar faces. Luke Knoll, Trevino, Ed Ruiz and Jordan Ottoway were there. I tried to gain their friendship back by asking them to please help me out. I offered to give them the pipe that they came for.
"Hahaha well we're gonna kick your ass either way dude," Luke Knoll responded, but in a way that only those who know Luke and his sense of humor, when under the influence, would understand.
Jon Urban showed up to my house and played a very neutral role. He knew I was in trouble but he knew there was nothing he could do. Before I knew it, there were more and more people coming over, apparently to party at my house. I didn't invite any of these people but I couldn't really object. I figured if anything they would buy me some time to figure out how I was going to survive this hit.
It wasn't too long before the people partying in my house started to get progressively drunker. I walked around my house watching everyone to make sure everything was okay. I was a prisoner in my own home. I walked toward my room again and saw a fight break out in the bathroom, and then in my parents' room and everyone soon emptied out of my house. The mob of bad guys exited with them.
It was only me and Jon Urban left at my house. Relieved, I turned on the TV only to hear someone pull up to my house. They drove an old Econline van, much like one that my dad used to drive. As he walked up to the door I recognized his face. It was the soccer player that dated Amalee Dykes a little over a year ago. His face was all beat up and he was wearing a trench coat to keep dry from all the rain.
"Holy shit, look who it is...come in dude, come in!"
"What's up guys? You wouldn't happen to know where to get any weed would you?" he asked.
"Haha nah man, I totally just pissed off anyone who would possibly know where to get any," I replied.
He went on his way and we went back to watching TV.
"Wanna go to the mall?" Jon asked, I couldn't really think of anything else to do to kill some time so we went. We got separated as soon as we got there. I headed toward Pacsun to check out their clothes even though I hate their clothes and would never buy any of them. Jon came from the completely opposite side of the mall, I was confused but not alarmed. Pacsun was at the heart of the mall, there were no doors to it, just entrance after entrance after entrance from every which way. The clerk asked if we needed any help.
"Nothing, I want nothing," we both replied in unisin like something strange out of Fear and Loathing meets Alice in Wonderland. We walked through the store and exited out the other end, which led to the other half of the mall.
We walked into a place where they sold smoothies and I walked straight to the back and helped myself to a strawberry smoothie. The manager walked up to me and took it from my hands and asked me why I was late. I was really confused and began to make my way out and things started to become a strange hallucination. Crazy people were running around and falling into manholes that did not exist minutes prior to that. The manholes took them through the world and dropped them back on it right next to the manhole they fell in.
I fell in and all went black.
I woke up from this dream to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I ran to the door, still somewhat drunk from last night and opened it, only to find that it wasn't someone knocking. It was the massive thunderstorm that was pouring down on us early in the morning.

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