Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hooray for it being the first day of December!

Last night we had a little party for rachel at cody's since she turned 19 yesterday, that was a lot of fun (we even made this big wheel kind of like on wheel of fortune for drinking games). Rachel got a little too drunk too fast and cody ended up kicking everyone out before midnight, but what else is new?
Most of the people there migrated over to matt sondag's and it was also his birthday yesterday! He got his birthday whippin's and boy did I feel bad after he received the final blow to his tender ass cheeks. They looked so bad, like...I would not be sitting for a week if I were him.
I got pretty drunk, but somehow I managed to make it home all right. I actually don't really remember driving home, but I must have because my car is here.
I guess I also forgot that jenn was at matt's all night and I spent most of the night with her, she said. That's weird, because I had to ask her if she was there this morning, which is pretty bad that she was and I don't remember.
Well I feel like shit. I slept in until about 2.
Now I'm going to take a shower and go on with life.

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