Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So summer's pretty much officially on. It's fucking hot and humid just about every day and nice and warm at night. I love it...well for the most part, minus the fucking humidity. But cliffs season is in session and we've done a pretty decent job of keeping up with that already going twice in the past week.
Zach was in town for the weekend, and Chad arrived on Saturday night right when we got back from the cliffs. Zach left on sunday, I'm not sure if he'll be coming back anytime soon but he knows he's more than welcome in the mean GC.
Michelle is also back from the little apple and I'm glad to get to hang out with her all summer, as it's always fun having her around.
Life is good in GC. I'm having a good time, and I know it's only going to keep getting better.

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