Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So I admit I haven't been keeping up with this as much as I would have liked to. But in light of recent events I just feel like it's good to get things in print.
Life is different. Friends have come and gone. Too many to start naming off. It's sad, but I guess we all grow up and move on. I guess maybe I'm just a little late for my calling.
Work sucks, kind of...I guess. I don't know. It's indifferent. It's work. Like, work...not just a job that you show up at and get paid to smile and look presentable and have the ability to pretend to be nice to people that piss you off.
School just started last week, I'm taking night classes and working the day shift at tyson. I guess I forgot to mention that part. I work at tyson. There...that wasn't so hard.
Never thought I would've ended up working there. I guess that's just the way the dice rolled or the way the nut cracks or the way the cards fall, whichever analogy works best for you. Not there's a "you" cause I don't think anyone reads this. But I'll keep it for aesthetic purposes.
I guess it was my english teacher that reminded me how important getting these things written down in a journal...blogging works for me. Pencil writing gives me cramps.
Speaking of which, my neck hurts really bad. Like, not my neck, but my neck muscle on my left side. So does my lower back. And my knuckles. And my feet. And my left arm.


I'm starting to wish I hadn't taken the friends I had for granted. I put off seeing a lot of people before they left...and I miss them so much it almost hurts at times. It doesn't help that my job is really boring and I just think about everything all day and therefore I'm kind of sad a lot of the time at work. People give me dirty looks because I'm quiet. Some guy calls me some name every time I walk by him, but I don't understand him. I haven't the tenacity to ask what he means by it, but I could care less really. He's not going anywhere in life and calling me names isn't going to get him but a cheap thrill for about 5 seconds. And I guess if I make someone's day for 5 seconds it's all fun and games.

I guess I have a lot on my mind. But now is not the time to sit here and keep writing because I should've been asleep 20 minutes ago. I am not going to want to get up tomorrow. I've got to wake up so fucking early.

I miss this...Blogging. Friends. Summer. Everything.

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