Monday, September 1, 2008

Being Ben Affleck

So I forgot to note that I've been having this weird reoccurring dream ever since the first night I was placed in holding. I guess it's only a short part of the entire dream that keeps happening, but it seems like a movie I've watched over and over again. Almost like deja vu. This scene only lasts maybe a couple minutes but I'll try to describe it as best as I can.
So the setting is a truck stop and I'm in a movie, not like on the set of a movie, but a scene from a movie because I jump into character and I realize, "oh shit, this is a thriller."
I jump into the skin of Ben Affleck and I'm walking alongside Morgan Freeman. We are walking down this hall that leads to the bathrooms at a truck stop. The wall on the right side is essentially a big window, made of plexi-glass or something. As we're walking down the hall I start to think, "I've been here before...something is about to happen." And as I think this, the plexi-glass starts cracking in a web-like manner, moving at the same speed as we walk down this hall.
Morgan Freeman seems to be stuck in this movie role and doesn't acknowledge this strange happening, or maybe it's only happening to me because I'm trying to be sucked out of this movie and everything starts to crumple as if the dream is about to end.
Suddenly, we turn the corner and there is an explosion behind us that sends us flying for about 10 feet and we fall flat on our faces. We notice a man that is severely wounded sitting up against the door to the men's restroom. Infront of him is a brown paper bag with a post-it note attached to it that read, "PUSH".
As soon as I reach inside to grab the contents of this bag, I'm thrown out of this movie-like setting and end up in Cody Schaffer's old room, sitting next to him on his couch. I pull out what looks like 3 big pieces of dark fudge cake. Cody looks at me and says, "Dude, where'd you get that black-tar heroin?" I tell him, "I just found it at the truck stop, it had a note attached that read, 'PUSH'." He replies, "Oh shit dude! You know how much money you're going to make selling that? Like at least $2000're fucking rich!"
Right as he finishes his sentence, the GCPD SWAT team (not that we have one) bursts into the room, through the door, bathroom, window, from underneath the bed and from inside the closet. "You fuckin set me up!" is the only thing I say before I wake up.

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