Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I should probably be missing right now.

This weekend will go down in history, and they will speak of it for years (or weeks) to come. It was a long-awaited journey to Lawrence that James, Delaney, and myself had been planning for nearly a month and at the last minute Steve Shaw caught a ride up there with us so he could visit his baby girl.
The trip got interesting around 3 P.M. Friday afternoon when we reached Great Bend so James could cash in a $1000 winning scratch ticket. In celebration we stopped at a local liquor store and had Steve buy us a couple bottles for the trip. Needless to say, by the time we reached Lawrence and got to the venue for the show, we were already slightly inebriated. The show was a lot of fun--even though it wasn't really as full as I thought it would be for Mest. It was mostly all us GC peeps holding it down in the middle section. We all sang along and danced around and lane poured beer on everyone (as usual) and it was awesome.
After the show we all mobbed deep over to Jon's and continued partying in the wee hours of the night...and then some. Josh Sauer showed back up to Jon's around 5 in the A.M. with a sweet surprise that kept me from getting any sleep before the big game.
So around 8 I woke everyone else up and we all got ready to start tailgating and start getting drunk...again. What a chore. We had Jenn pick us up a 30 pack and we headed down to the campus to check out the homecoming parade (or what was left of it) before heading down by the stadium. We ended up tailgating with these college kids that lived right on the corner by the stadium, which was convenient.
Still high on a buzz from the night before, the excitement, and maybe all that alcohol we drank playing beer pong at 9 A.M. (that has to be a record for most people), we headed to Memorial Stadium to watch the game, front row at the 50 yard line.
Turns out those seats sucked a fat one. We could barely see over the sideline (see below) and all the people on our side were the boring adults who just sat there the whole time.

I was so pissed that I was about to just give someone my seat and go sit in the student section where all the excitement was. Instead, KU ended up falling behind big time by halftime and me and Jon U went back to this house and kept partying some more until who knows what time.
I don't really remember much of what happened next, except that I was sitting on a curb somewhere far away from that house and that Jennifer Dress and Joe Wesley Picked me up and took me to some restaurant where James and Delaney were at. Don't know what I was doing there, don't remember walking in. I just remember the waitress asking me if I was okay and if I wanted to order something.
Ended up back at Jon's somehow and for some reason I felt fine so I immediately took 6 beer bongs, which knocked me right back on my ass and out of conciousness for a while, I don't really know how.
All in all, I really kind of regret getting that drunk. I definitely didn't feel good for a couple days...but I had an awesome time and I can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

News flash!
I have had the last 3 days off from work and I've been enjoying staying up late, getting drunk, sleeping in, and doing absolutely nothing besides playing video games.
This was a much needed break from the everyday hustle of work.
I've just recently ordered tickets, along with james and delaney, to the KU vs. Texas Tech for Oct. 25th. We got 3 seats front row at the 50 yard line! I'm sooo excited...you have no idea, it's gonna go down in history.
I definitely need this road trip...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm convinced that no one reads this anymore, if they do they sure as hell don't let me know it.
I hate holding on to feelings you have for someone when you know it's not going to happen between the two of you. Not that I have a low self-esteem or anything, that's not the case at all. I just know that due to the circumstances we face, it wouldn't work out...even if she did share the feelings that I have for her.
It's just hard.
If you're reading this, you're probably thinking, "You're such a good guy, you can get any girl you want."
I'll believe it when I see it.
Make me a believer; prove me wrong.
I just feel like everyone who has somebody is so much happier than I am...and I want to feel that happiness that they're feeling.

What a pointless blog.
Sorry for wasting your time (whoever might be reading).

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I just looked through all my pictures I have up on myspace and facebook and I came to realize that I want the old me back. I used to be so much fun. I'll admit that I'm pretty boring nowadays...but I know I feed off of the vibe I get from people that surround me. I miss all my old friends. I just miss being myself all the time. I miss being that guy that everyone loved and wanted to hang out with. I don't know what happened to that guy. Now I'm caught between the hustle of work, school and still trying to maintain a somewhat social life. It's not working out so great for me. I need to be around people more than I am. I need to get back in shape. I need to grab life by the horns and wrestle it into submission. I need to get the fuck out of this town.

Well, at least KU is still kickin' ass in football...and that's enough to make me happy for now.