Monday, February 9, 2009

Rain: stop.
Sun, shine.
You're mine.

Listen through the walls.
The sound of quick footsteps sneaking down the hall.
The pages turning, the leaky roof, the toilet flushing.
Numbers on the license plate.

Your dead things are locked up inside.
Blow smoke rings straight back in time.
Roses floating out with the tide.
Dance and sing under gunfire.
Open wings slowly take flight...

Around these parts a fly can live--
A fly can live a thousand years,
but a man cannot die soon enough...true enough.
A smiling drunk nursing a glass of milk.
A girl with a face like prison bread.
Over the kitchen noise I hear them howl at me.
A scabby ketchup bottle and a two-dollar bill.
I guess its time to pay the bill,
but you know I never will.
I'm hungry still...

Run away.

In this crowded place I could
swing a cat and not even hit a soul...
It's just the lonely vacuum of human black holes
And I'm as dry as these thirsty trees
with big city thoughts in the dirty breeze...
Promising to set me free,
"Waiter, check please."

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