Monday, February 25, 2008

"Want a beer for the shower?"

Wow, I cannot believe it's been 3 weeks since I've had an update for all ya'll (like all 3 people that read this).
Well let me tell you, I have been having the time of my life. Last Tuesday Dilly and I made our way to topeka to hang out with all those crazy cool Topeka cats. We had such a good time no thanks to Lane's dad, who by the way is an asshole, and Lane proved to be more of an acoholic than I had previously preceived him to was funny though. "Do you guys want a beer for the shower?" Classic. I'll never forget it.
-Tuesday: Dylan, Lane, Peter, and yours truely went to the take action tour and saw Every Time I Die, From First to Last, The Bled, August Burns Red and The Human Abstract (except we showed up right as August Burns Red played so we missed The Human Abstract). It was seriously amazing. I wish I hadn't forgotten my camera in my car, I could've had some sweet youtube eye candy for you.
-Wednesday: thought about watching American Gangster but we decided to party it up instead. I don't remember a whole lot of Wednesday, sorry.
-Thursday: We woke up really late and went out to eat some Taco Bell and then dropped Lane off at home (cause he has a vagina) and Dylan and myself went to see Darkest Hour, Emmure and a couple other shitty bands. We missed Emmure though, we kinda showed up late to that as well.
-Friday: The 3 of us went over to Chris Stringer's, Tony and 2 other guys (whose names I forget) house and play some xbox and we went to a couple car dealerships because Dylan is trying to find a new car. Michelle came and hung out with us so I was pretty stoked to get to see her again. We all went to Josh Sauer's apartment in Lawrence and played rock band and drank summer brew. Lane got sooo wasted, he ended up puking in Josh's bed. I felt so bad...but I got over it and we went to Stake 'n Shake and some guy talked shit to one of Lane's friends and there was almost a fight and the cops came like within a minute. Ridiculous. We were cool though cause niggas aint shit and we didn't do anything wrong. We all made it back to Chris' house and didn't get to bed until after 6 am.
-Saturday: Didn't wake up until about 2 pm, which is an hour after the time I had set to leave Topeka. The day dragged on and we didn't leave until 5:30 cause we also had to drive across town to give Lane his car charger. About an hour after left we noticed there were snowflakes falling and we both thought, "Oh it's drizzling. It'll pass in about 10 minutes." Wrong. We ended up driving through the worst snowstorm I've ever had to drive through in my almost short-lived life. We pulled over at this gas station in Enterprise after we realized that this was getting pretty serious. We watched the weather channel for about 20 minutes because god forbid they should show what's going on in our area after they play a special series on hurricanes. The storm freakin covered all of Kansas pretty much except southwest Kansas. "Great." We got back on the road, but were reduced to mear slugs by mother nature, going no more than 30 (40 when I was feelin' a little ballsy) for about what would've been 3 hours of the trip had we been going the speed limit. After we got to Jetmore, the roads were pretty clear so we went fast to make up for lost time. We didn't get back until roughly 1:30 am. So we were basically on the road for about 8 hours. Radical. I dropped Dylan off and went to Bobby Beck's for Meredith/Jon U's birthday party (which I guess started at Matt Sondags and somehow just migrated to Bobby's. Crashed at Brian's at around 6 am.
-Sunday: Went to work from 12 pm - 9pm. Hung out with Jon U and the guys at Zach's afterwards since it was officially Jon's bday.
-Monday (Today): Worked 7 am - 4 pm. Got a haircut after work, I don't know if I like it yet. Played some pool with Jon and Jay at the student center then hung out at Zach's.

I know most of that doesn't sound like anything worth going into such detail about, but I loved every second of it. Minus going back to work after a much needed vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jon D, I'm glad to hear you had so much fun. But seriously, I live vicariously through others. So when you don't update on a regular basis, I die slowly inside. Update more often, silly head.