Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"What's the other guy look like?"

No update for a whole week?!
That's right, my life is slowly becoming that which I dread the most. I have fallen into the daily grind, except it's not like your average daily grind because it's a little more inconsistant than what you'd expect, making it that much more aggrivating. I work a good 8-10 hours 6 days a week, not always the same shifts either. Hell I'll be lucky to have the same shift twice in one week.
Aside from work, I've really just been hangin out and layin' low...trying to keep in contact with friends and such but not really going out every night. For example, today I worked 7-5 and I'm probably gonna go to bed at 7 or 8 cause I have work at 2 a.m. tomorrow...ridiculous right?
I'm basically just anticipating mine and dylan's first road trip of the year...and it's gonna be a good one, let me tell you. 5 days, count 'em, 5...of unprecidented madness. 2 concerts, hittin' up topeka, manhattan, lawrence and kansas city. Oh it's gonna be freakin' sweet. I got my ore ready for the trip, it actually hasn't left my car since the last.
Well I'm basically just letting ya'll know I'm still alive and well.
I got really drunk and decided to fight michael bazan on friday, and I got a bit of a shiner and a little cut on my cheek...haha everyone is so surprised that I fought someone I work with, especially since we're friends and all.
Okay and remember how I quit smoking? Well I kinda had 1 the other day...yikes, I know. But I basically just did because I thought, how will I know if I really don't want to smoke anymore? Well let's try it and see what it's like. Thanks, but no thanks. I was right about quitting and they just don't appeal to me anymore.
I mean, I might have one sparingly from here on out but seriously...I used to smoke a pack in 2 days, so MAJOR improvement.
I'm also getting back into reading more books.
It freakin' snowed so much today, and it's supposed to keep snowing all day...fuck.
Take care, love life.

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