Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Honk if you like dick. ==D"

So my life's been pretty boring as of late, as you can tell, and I haven't really been doing much other than working and kicking lane's ass on call of duty 4.
I don't really have much to say but I felt like updating.
I worked 2am-12pm today, that wasn't as bad as it sounds...we got this girl named nicole to do scanning with us today, she just started yesterday and she looks really familiar. Crap, I'm so bad with names and people I went to school with.
Anywho...I'm pretty stoked, only 20 more days for our big ro-ad trip! I haven't been on a road trip since I went to see circa survive in denver with brian, madison, chris, cody and rachel...that was like, november? I don't even remember.
I'm done with this.
Have a good day everyone!
P.S. in case you're wondering why this is titled "Honk if you like dick ==D," you haven't been on a ro-ad trip like the ones Dylan and I are a part of.

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