Sunday, January 27, 2008

"How many games are now?"

Last night was pretty crazy...and a little ridiculous. After another 12-9 shift in customer service I hed out to the college to watch the soccer boys play at their indoor soccer league. After that we had a bonfire down at the river again, it was pretty fun (as usual). We had smores, hotdogs, doritos and some mountain dew to wash it down...we also had diego and sammy to entertain us with their native brazilian song and dance.
Right now I'm talking to dylan on the phone about how much our old friends suck.
It's crazy how much people change. If I've changed at all in a bad way, please, call me a douche bag and slap me across the face and let me know. Or you could just say, "dude you've changed..." cause I don't wanna get slapped.
I'm going to go to bed...good night. :)

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