Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Isn't it ironic?

No, Alanis, it's not. It's very unfortunate, but I don't think rain on your wedding day is ironic at all. I've just been thinking about that all morning because I heard it on the radio as I was waking up.
So I've been sick for the past 4 days and it sucks. Only one good thing can come of me getting sick, and that is I really don't enjoy smoking when I'm sick. Haven't smoked for 4, going on 5, days and I feel pretty good about it. Who knows, I might just stop all together. Chances are I probably won't though...
So I feel like crap, I'm going to go watch Good Luck Chuck and then play xbox live some more...I'm a game junkie, what can I say?
Have a good day! :)


Michelle said...

What's your email address? And maybe, just maybe, you should quit smoking. I love you, and that includes your lungs and the non-cancerness that you're bringing to the table. We can just fake it together :)

Michelle said...

oh ps, i hope you get better soon