Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's a beautiful morning.

New Year's Eve was a blast. I'll tell you what, as far I as I can remember anyways...I had to work until 10 at Dillon's that night but it was no biggie because I did as best as I could to catch up to everyone else who was already sloshed by the time I showed up to Cody's. We had fun, luis pissed himself, threw up on himself and was taken home before midnight. Josh tried to fight Sarah? err something. I don't know...but anyways it was all a lot of fun. I somehow managed to drive to Stana's New Year's Eve bash, which was also a lot of fun. Michelle was my New Year's kiss, that was sweet of her even though I was totally wasted.

Lane came into town on New Year's Day, so we kicked it as soon as I got off work. We went to Stana's with Michelle and hung out and watched Mean Girls and Lane and Jon got drunk. I love watching other people get drunk sometimes and just being sober because then I can laugh at their expense because I know I do the same things every single time.

Today I woke up to Lane calling me about going to eat lunch at El Con with Michelle, Jon, Jenn, Justin, Dakota, Peter and Daniel. That was good, as always. Afterward we went to the "mall" and hung out and whatnot. Then I worked from 7-10, then went over to Brevan's and hung out with everyone again and played GH3.

I have to work at 11 and it is now 3:25 a.m.

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