Thursday, January 24, 2008

"No habla ingles ma'am!"

So I'm still sick and I'm still not smoking. Funny thing is I haven't craved a cigarette at all since I last smoked one on friday night. That's really weird because I mean, I've been sick before and that didn't stop from smoking for more than 3 days but I've made it past that hump so maybe I can finally quit smoking on my own without any of these meds that people have begun taking because they don't have the will power to quit on their own. Geez run-on sentence. If there's one thing I've learned up until this point is to never use run-on sentences, that's what semi-colons, colons and commas are for. SHINFO...anyways I feel good about not smoking and I really kind of dread picking it back up, so let's pray for closure.
Yesterday I worked 4am-9am then 12pm-4pm then went to the basketball game at 7ish. We lost by 1 point, it was pretty disappointing...afterwards we partied at zach's and Jon passed out as usual (see video below).
Today consisted of waking up late for work, working 9 am - 6pm, coming home, going to nicole wilks', applebees, going to ed's and blogging. Fun! Nicole's a really nice girl, I'd never really talked to her before.
Well I'm going to get some rest, I've been lacking in that department lately.
K so youtube is pissing me off and won't upload it so check back later for it.

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