Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Last night me, jon, justin, luke and all kinds'a college kids were at bowl mania from 9-12. After that jon, justin, lane, zach and chad went to have a bonfire that I was supposed to go to, but I was gonna stop by luke's first...turns out they didn't stay too long. Lane came by luke's until about 3:30 a.m. when he took me home. I barely had enough time to change and get to work, I was still actually kinda drunk but I made there by 4. I worked 4 a.m. - 12 p.m. scanning, shit's weak...not hard at all though really.

now I'm kinda tired but not tired enough to sleep.


Michelle said...

I miss the hell out of you. There, I said it. Your video is hilarious, and I'm going to watch it anytime I need to get some Jon D in my system, because it's like exactly you, but a little more distracted. Hit me up the second you're up this way and not at a concert. LOVE YOU!!!!!! Oh and ps, those last couple weeks in town were some of the best of my entire life :)

Jon D. said...

Oh my god, I was seriously incoherent that was so funny because I was not making any sense to anybody. I'm gonna be doing that once a week from now on I guess so they'd better get used to me cracking the stupidest jokes ever. I love you too! Michelle, I definitely cannot wait to see you again! I loved spending time with you, it was the best...

Lane K said...

jawn d, i made one of these!

Jon D. said...

haha tight son.