Tuesday, January 15, 2008

snakefarm, just sounds nasty...

Waking up after only sleeping for about 5 hours really sucks...missed breakfast with lane and michelle since they both didn't wake up in time to go before 10 am when I had to be at work. I really wasn't looking forward to today at all...finally having to say goodbye to Michelle, that was hard. It was like, I didn't wanna say goodbye but you know that's just the way the dice rolls. It's not like I'm never gonna see her again, but I just really hate saying goodbye to people that I won't see for an extended period of time. It's probably one of the hardest things for me, and one of the few things that will bring a tear to my eye...depending on the person. So I finshed off my shift at work and got off at 4...Lane came by and picked me up then we went to Brian's for a little bit then to Jon's and played some Xbox 360.
We had another bonfire tonight, except with less people and certainly not Miss Michelle.
After we got around blowing up chad's 40s and telling ghost stories, we went out to this supposed haunted place that burned down or something...totally not scary, but lane and zach were shitting themselves the whole time.
It was fun, kinda...something's missing though.

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