Sunday, January 13, 2008

I have procrastinated beyond reasonable doubt. You haven't received an update from me in a while, so here I am...awkward.
This last week has been amaaaaazing. I've been having so much fun (maybe a little too much at times) hanging out with Lane, Michelle, Jon, Justin and the soccer guys. It makes me sad that Michelle is leaving for Manhatty tomorrow but that's just life and as much as I'd like her to stay, she's got business to take care of; as do I. Yesterday Michelle and I sat on the curb and she pretended to smoke with me, which is awesome because she makes smoking look good...seriously. We talked about life and college and whatnot, and it got me thinkin' a lot. Which, in case you didn't already know, is pretty much what I love to do. Call me weird. I just love to sit there and think about the deepest things that are going on, I even think hypothetically if there's nothin good scramblin' around up there.
But anyways, best week ever. Michelle is so much fun to have around and Lane is just crazy as usual, so it's like the best of both worlds. I can't wait to go up to Topeka in February for the Take Action Tour! I'm definitely going to make it a priority to see Michelle while I'm da hood.
I would upload a crap ton of pictures, but I just did that on facebook and I'm kinda sorry.
But I can summarize what I remember of this week for you right now.
Air hockey, bowling, beer bong, pabst blue ribbon, work, soccer house, beer bong, red baron, beer bong, work, stana's, ellen's tacky sweater party (which by the way only Jon and Lane dressed appropriately), beer bong, work, movies, jon urban passing out (per usual), work.


Anonymous said...

Silly....tacky sweater party is NEXT weekend, that's why they were the only two dressed appropriately.

Jon D. said...

So technically, they were dressed inappropriately.

Anonymous said...

dude, i heard the red baron is totally going to start closing at 9pm. no more late night breakfasts :(. but that's just a rumor i heard at the hotel. gay gay gay


Jon D. said...

yeah last weekend was their last weekend being open 24/7 and we went for the last was sad.