Sunday, January 13, 2008

so as the weekend comes to an end, we decided to end it on a good note by having a bonfire at the river tonight since michelle's leaving tomorrow! :( we're gonna go have breakfast early in the morning before I have to work at 10.
it was fun, but it was totally raging hot. but like I said, I have to work at 10am and michelle left around 12:30 so I had her give me a ride home...and here I am. I've been hooked on silverstein's first cd lately, it's so good and it reminds me of like my freshmen year...god it seems like so long ago that me and anh would sit in biology and just talk about silverstein, jammin' to them on our sony walkmans. it brings back memories...I'm kind of a sap, I get sad when I listen to music that reminds me of the good old days. Not because those times were sad, but just because I miss those days. I wish I could just relive the past 4 years of my life over and over again until I get sick of it...which would probably be a long time. well all you people out there reading this (or not), I'm going to hit the hay. love life.


Lane K said...

dude, i know what you mean about silverstein and music from the good ole days:(

Jon D. said...

lane k?
yeah man, every time I listen to bands like armor for sleep I just think about the first warped tour with bret and brooke and raul going up to topeka...that was a good trip.