Monday, January 7, 2008

So I was driving down Kansas on my way to Hastings with Dilly and out of nowhere, as if some sort of ragin demon that was out for vengeance, the wind picked up and made the hood of my car come up and broke my windshield. Freakin' ridiculous, right? As if it wasn't bad enough I messed up both my front and bumpers on the dip by lane's ex-house last tuesday. So I'm leaning out the window of my car, only Ace Ventura would have done it so ridiculous as I. I'm pretty sure I got a bug in my mouth or something...anyways, it sucked. So then I pull over where all the street ricers park in that parking lot in the far south side of the strip mall, kind of in the middle of nowhere (why do they park there anyways? it's not a cool spot at all), I called Dylan and told him what happened since he was kinda following me. We decided not to go to Hastings and he went on his merry way, as did I...for about 15 seconds. I pulled back onto Kansas Ave.(right out of the exit by hastings and start headed towards Dillons to get duct tape for my hood so I can seal it until I got home. Well, as I previously stated, not even 15 seconds later my hood pops right back up and hits my windshield again. What fucking luck, right? So I just kinda said, "fuck it...I can still kinda see." I made it about a block or two before I got sick of leaning out the window and pulled over again. So I drove like 20 mph the rest of the way to dillons and got duct tape and kinda did a half-assed job cause I was so pissed about the whole situation.
Anyways...needless to say I'm without a vehicle at the moment because I don't want to get a ticket for driving with a busted windshield (even though I can totally still see).
On the bright side, I won $112 in lotto, bought a badass canon digi, some games and a few other things to make myself feel a little bit better about this whole situation.

SOOOOOOO...this means, I'm going to be updating way more often now that I have a camera to upload lots of pictures of stuff that happens instead of writing so much about it, because lets face are so much better to look at and don't take about 15 minutes to read like this blog.

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