Sunday, January 20, 2008

cellophane flowers

So last night was Ellen's tacky sweater party, and that was fun. Half of the people there were dressed quite appropriately. Me and Orly kicked ass at tippy-cup, per usual. I didn't think I was that drunk but as I'm thinking back on what happened last night I can't really put together all the pieces. I don't remember leaving Ellen's or who I left with, but I remember being at Orly's with him and Meredith. I don't remember leaving there, and I certainly don't remember coming home but I do remember sleeping in my own bed and not making a drunken scene.
I think I need to stop drinking...that would probably be best for me right now.
Last night was also Raul's last night in town, he leaves today for Wichita, and then back, back to Cali, Cali.
I just wish I could skip the goodbyes every time someone leaves. I don't know why it's so hard for me to see people go. Is that just me? Or does anybody else feel that way?
Oh well, I'm gonna go watch cloverfield today. Should be good! :)
Taco bell sounds so good right about now...
Love life.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I get super sad when I have to say goodbye to people. I feel ya bro...oh, I'd totally send you that pick but I don't know how to do it on myspace