Saturday, January 26, 2008

Karma Police

First of all, I would like to thank all those who supported me throughout this first week of my now smoke-free agenda. Let's keep it up folks.
Last night Dylan and I were at Brian's eating some bomb pizza that Dylan had just brought over and we kinda felt a little bit awkward since Kacee and Darci were there hanging out with Madison. I guess it was Kacee's last night in town, but I didn't really care because it's not like she was my friend or Dylan and I booked it on over to Zach's. The regular's were all there just chillin' and drinkin' some summer brew, then it kind of turned into a party out of nowhere. Zach was totally cool with it and I quote "I didn't even call one person over tonight...there's a party going on without me even knowing I was having a party...this is awesome!" He then proceeded to do the unexpected...he kicked his roof. That's right. Don't ask me how on God's green earth he did it, but this white boy's got ups.

Then by the end of the night I guess I had dropped my wallet outside and Ivan found it and brought it to me. I was so stoked but I hadn't even realized that I didn't have it on me, so I look inside and what's missing? $250.
Radical, I had just gotten paid yesterday and now I have absolutely no money for the rest of the week.
I don't know what I'm going to do.


Michelle said...

It's because of those trunks-for-calves that he has.

Jon D. said...

I know, right? I'm pretty jealous.