Thursday, November 27, 2008

I guess it's thanksgiving so let me get it out of the way first and foremost. I hate didn't realize how much I hate spending time with my family until this week. Not so much my immediate family, but my relatives. I hate having to pretend to be someone I'm not around them. Shouldn't you be able to be yourself around your family in the comfort of your own home? I don't even feel like I'm on my own turf here, like I have to watch what I do and what I say. I feel uncomfortable just leaving the house because I know what they're thinking, "He doesn't even care that we're here." Right now I'm downstairs on the computer (obviously) and everyone else is upstairs gathered 'round the TV, talking and laughing and having a good 'ol jolly time. I guess that makes me the Debbie Downer of the bunch.
In other news, I'm just thankful it's thanksgiving because I don't have to work and I'm getting paid. I'm thankful for my all the amazing friends I have. I'm thankful I get to see all my friends that are home from their busy college lives. I'm thankful my family is alive and well. I'm thankful for shirt on my back and the roof over my head. I'm thankful for the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins. I'm also thankful for Minus the Bear...and that's about it.

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