Monday, November 17, 2008

this aint a surfin' movie

I think a lot...don't know if you knew that. I might look like I'm just wasting away staring at something, but I'm really thinking about everything. Anything that comes to mind. I mean I really think about everything. Everything that happens to me on a daily basis and totally random things you couldn't even imagine...but mostly hypothetical situations. Don't ask me why, but I love making up hypothetical situations. I just think it's fun to think about probability and possibility and what the outcome could be to any situation. I apply hypothetical situations to every day life. I always think, hmm...what if me and her totally hit it off? What would that be like? Even if it's like some girl I'm not even interested in, I just wonder what it would be like to share most of my time with a certain person. I make a movie in my head about what it would be like. I'm good at figuring things like that out. I can visualize things if I think about them and it really does seem like I'm in a movie. One time I thought about what my funeral would be like if I died at an early age, like lets say I die in a car crash or something. Not because I'm depressed or anything, but I just know that if I think about it hard enough I can see in my head very clear. I can almost tell exactly who would be there to a tee. I guess you call it day dreaming. Sometimes I almost think I have like a sense that helps me predict things. But not literally, it just so happens to turn out how I say it would. That doesn't mean anything. I can't prove those kinds of things.

Sorry if you were expecting something worth reading, I just really wanted to get that out probably doesn't make much sense but at least I got it out.

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