Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hit the lights...

Well the weekend is over now and I have to get ready to face the daily grind tomorrow...ugh, Mondays. I've never been a fan of Mondays, and with good reason. The weekend is a time when you lose sight of all inhibitions and just get to have a good time with the people you love to spend that time with. I spent the weekend at Brian/Madison's place, it was kind of like a slumber probably missed out. Friday night we got together at Diego's with all the crazy kids that were in town who I hadn't seen in a while. It was really fun, and I got to hang out with Michelle for a bit that night so I'm glad she came out and I at least got to see her during her stay in GC. Saturday night was much the same except we were at Ellen's tacky-er sweater party. Brian, Madison, James and Delaney came out this time and I'm glad they did because it was pretty fun. I didn't dress up because I didn't own a tacky bad. It was also Matt Sondag's birthday that night so he was out partying with everyone, it was good seeing him this weekend...I missed that guy.
Guess I better get to bed now, gotta love Mondays.

We had our 15 minutes so we take our bow and walk off stage.
The empty seats reminding us our time is up.
And so we walk, but still we thought this would be it.
This stage is no longer ours to take.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your time."
The wait for the next bus home is long.
Sitting on the pavement in the cold, dark night.
No man's land.
This once brought a smile to our face.
Now it only brings unwanted company.
And so we walk, but we walk onward home.
Only spend the night alone.

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