Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today...I played frisbee golf after work with brian because it was so beautiful out and you just really couldn't pass it up once the thought came to mind. It was a perfect sunny December day (Yeah, I know...ironic. Are you writing this down Alanis?) and took full advantage of playing the first 12 holes before heading back over to his place.
Watched part of the modern Romeo and Juliet featuring DeCap but then decided against it and watched 2 of the last 3 episodes of the first season of Lost (they watched the last episode after giving me a ride home) and unless you're one of those people that skip things in parenthesis when you read because a lot of the time it's shinfo then you would know that this would bring me to where I'm currently at in life.
Feelin a little spazzy...don't know what the motive might be.
My shoes came in that I longed for after searching high and low for two years. Journey's was just like, 'Sup? We got your Asics, no big.' out of nowhere (because that's where I originally bought them two years ago and then they just stopped making the damn shoe apparently...that was total shinfo by the way, so if you skip these you're good).
I think I'll finish christmas shopping this weekend...maybe not.
The new Britney Spears CD dropped today...shit goes hard.

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