Friday, December 12, 2008

Can't shake this polaroid.

I keep having these dreams and I don't know for what reasons exactly. They're not reoccurring dreams it just pretty much revolves around the same theme/person. None are identical, though similar in thought...and they all end the same way.
I wake up obviously not in the best mood because it fucks with my head so much that this is happening now, several months later. I just cant shake that feeling. As much as I would like to forget, I like to think about it when it does come up in my mind. Like I secretly want to remember everything that I'm trying forget. Kind of a flip on eternal sunshine of the spotless mind I guess you could say. I forget things in real life and then remember them in my dreams. Not just this, I do that with a lot of things.
While I was in mexico over christmas break during my freshmen year I had the same dream that I would lose or forget my class schedule and that I would be lost the entire day for 4 nights straight. Wall clocks were jumping out at me and buzzing indicating my tardiness. Teachers towering over me would ask if I was lost. I would say no because I kind of had a good idea of what my schedule was, even in my dreams. I guess this was just a big exaggeration of the fact that I would have to pay for a new schedule upon returning if I didn't bring it with me. And sure enough, I forgot it on the first day of school and I had to buy a new schedule.

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