Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another weekend has come and gone and I have to wake up so fucking early tomorrow.
It was different from most weekends in a way...we didn't do anything really crazy but I had fun. We played monopoly at Brian's dad's house with Brittany, Billy, Robert and Richard. We went back to Brian/Madison's around 12 and stayed up drinking and talking til the sun came up Saturday night/Sunday morning. It was just another one of those nights. The kind of nights you just stay up talking because you don't want the night to end or because you just enjoy sharing someone else's company. Brian actually stayed up with Madison and myself this time so that was cool because usually it's just me and Madison. Richard and Robert also stayed the night but they crashed in the spare bedroom.
Woke up to Brian cleaning around didn't sleep much. Brittany, Billy and Brian's dad came by for the Broncos game, which they won by the way! So that was's not pretty when Denver loses in the presence of the Mizells.
Hate to cut this off but I'm going to bed...
Love life.

p.s. I really like Thrice's "Image of the Invisible" song/video.
check it out.

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