Thursday, December 18, 2008

I wish 2-day meant today.

Christmas is just around the corner and everyone will be home this weekend, well everyone except my entire family. They left this morning to spend christmas with my grandma/grandpa/uncles/aunts/cousins/nieces/nephews/whoever else they feel like spending it with besides me. That's okay though, I'd rather stay here anyways because I'd much rather spend christmas with people that want to see me. Wonder what I've been doing in preparation? Finishing up my christmas shopping (still), fighting with because I ordered like 10 things that aren't here yet (and they should have been 3 days ago because I payed for 2-day delivery), wrapping the few presents I've purchased locally (and the few that I ordered many weeks ago because I already knew what I was getting, none if this last-minute overnight delivery nonsense) and ordering more things via (overnight delivery...I know, stop it).
It's a stressful time in my book, I just want to make sure I get everyone something who means something to me. Although my checkbook might not allow for some extraordinary gifts (because of the number of people I'm buying things for), it's the thought that counts assholes.
I just really want everyone to have a good christmas and receive as many gifts as possible and I'm feeling very generous this year...that's quite odd. I never really buy more than two or three people gifts each year, but this year's different. I don't know how it is, it just is.
So if I know you and you mean something to me, you'll be receiving a gift this year...but don't get too used to it.

Now, back to e-mailing about my tracking my GODDAMN orders.
Ho, ho, ho bitches.

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