Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let's go busters!

Saturday I decided to order the KU vs. Nebraska game because it was only going to be aired on pay-per-view (how lame right?) and figured no one else in town as far as bars go would be showing it. My parents were also out of town so I invited everyone that I know of who cares about KU football, hell I even invited some nebraska fans over just to make it interesting. Kickoff was at 1:30 so we fired up the grill pretty early and got some beer and made it actually really fun. We lost 35-45...but I still had fun. We all were pretty drunk by 7 o'clock and headed to the college soccer game.
Congratulate the soccer boys for beating Jefferson at home this saturday and heading to nationals in arizona! Yes it is an exciting time to be a broncbuster (and probably the only time) if you've been keeping tabs on the boys soccer team. We beat Jefferson 1-zip in the Division championship and it was freakin awesome. There was actually a really good turn out, which is more than an understatement (average crowd, 10-25 max). We did a good job of cheering them on and it paid off.
So I missed the deadline yesterday to drop any class, and now I just gotta hope to keep my chin up and at least salvage a looow C.
I think if anything, I'm at least going to update daily with my urban word of the day.

Today's is textrovert.
1. One who feels an increased sense of bravery over texting, as opposed to in person.

2. One who will often only say what they really feel over text messages.

Kelly: "So how'd the conversation go with Bill last night?"

Wendy: "Ugh...he's such a textrovert. We didn't make any progress until I went home and he spilled his guts through texts."

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