Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey, Mr. Hangman, go get your rope.

She'll sit and wait for him to do what she would assume the right thing not knowing what the outcome of the situation will be. Her hand reaches for his and he pulls back. He's scared of what his friends will think if they ever found out: "Is she worth my time? What will my friends think of her? She better be putting out if I'm going through all this trouble."
Why does he care so much?
All I can do is sit here and watch him play out his game.
He steps away for a few short moments and I am presented the perfect opportunity to tell her that the only way he would ever date her is his friends thought she was a 10, a hot piece of that point it would just be another one of their victims in the game they play. He would berate her and treat her like a piece of property, just like all the rest...just as she's been conditioned to.
I walked up to her and there I stood, right in front of her, with nothing to say...what a dumb mother fucker.
Instead, I walked away knowing I could've saved her from an ill-fate.
I almost did couldn't sleep over it, don't know why.
But I still think about that to this day and I still feel sorry for her.

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