Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The holiday season is coming to a close and I've yet to update on all the buzz.

Christmas was really cool this year...probably the best christmas I've had. I got a really nice KU hoodie from brian, 3 xbox 360 games from madison, james, and kacee, choke by chuck palahniuk (madison got a copy from her sister but she gave me a copy since she already had owned it), mewithoutYou - "Catch For Us The Foxes" on vinyl from brian, tropic thunder also from madison, KU gym shorts from dylan...I think I might be forgetting something...but anyways they were all awesome gifts!
We opened up presents around 11ish...as soon as they forced me to get up from my comatose sleep. Madison made biscuits & gravy, which was pretty delish, and then we went to brian's dad's and they opened up presents over there.
My parents still aren't back from their trip yet, which kind of worries me because they said they were leaving saturday night and that would mean they probably stopped in Juarez to spend the day with my aunt's family. But still, it's tuesday now...and my mom's phone is shut off. So hopefully they're okay and didn't get in some terrible wreck somewhere.
Well tomorrow is KU's bowl game vs. Minnesota, pretty stoked about that and I will most def be sporting my new hoodie (like I haven't been since I got it).
Hope everything is well for everyone.
Happy holidays.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I wish 2-day meant today.

Christmas is just around the corner and everyone will be home this weekend, well everyone except my entire family. They left this morning to spend christmas with my grandma/grandpa/uncles/aunts/cousins/nieces/nephews/whoever else they feel like spending it with besides me. That's okay though, I'd rather stay here anyways because I'd much rather spend christmas with people that want to see me. Wonder what I've been doing in preparation? Finishing up my christmas shopping (still), fighting with amazon.com because I ordered like 10 things that aren't here yet (and they should have been 3 days ago because I payed for 2-day delivery), wrapping the few presents I've purchased locally (and the few that I ordered many weeks ago because I already knew what I was getting, none if this last-minute overnight delivery nonsense) and ordering more things via amazon.com (overnight delivery...I know, stop it).
It's a stressful time in my book, I just want to make sure I get everyone something who means something to me. Although my checkbook might not allow for some extraordinary gifts (because of the number of people I'm buying things for), it's the thought that counts assholes.
I just really want everyone to have a good christmas and receive as many gifts as possible and I'm feeling very generous this year...that's quite odd. I never really buy more than two or three people gifts each year, but this year's different. I don't know how it is, it just is.
So if I know you and you mean something to me, you'll be receiving a gift this year...but don't get too used to it.

Now, back to e-mailing amazon.com about my tracking my GODDAMN orders.
Ho, ho, ho bitches.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Can't shake this polaroid.

I keep having these dreams and I don't know for what reasons exactly. They're not reoccurring dreams it just pretty much revolves around the same theme/person. None are identical, though similar in thought...and they all end the same way.
I wake up obviously not in the best mood because it fucks with my head so much that this is happening now, several months later. I just cant shake that feeling. As much as I would like to forget, I like to think about it when it does come up in my mind. Like I secretly want to remember everything that I'm trying forget. Kind of a flip on eternal sunshine of the spotless mind I guess you could say. I forget things in real life and then remember them in my dreams. Not just this, I do that with a lot of things.
While I was in mexico over christmas break during my freshmen year I had the same dream that I would lose or forget my class schedule and that I would be lost the entire day for 4 nights straight. Wall clocks were jumping out at me and buzzing indicating my tardiness. Teachers towering over me would ask if I was lost. I would say no because I kind of had a good idea of what my schedule was, even in my dreams. I guess this was just a big exaggeration of the fact that I would have to pay for a new schedule upon returning if I didn't bring it with me. And sure enough, I forgot it on the first day of school and I had to buy a new schedule.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another weekend has come and gone and I have to wake up so fucking early tomorrow.
It was different from most weekends in a way...we didn't do anything really crazy but I had fun. We played monopoly at Brian's dad's house with Brittany, Billy, Robert and Richard. We went back to Brian/Madison's around 12 and stayed up drinking and talking til the sun came up Saturday night/Sunday morning. It was just another one of those nights. The kind of nights you just stay up talking because you don't want the night to end or because you just enjoy sharing someone else's company. Brian actually stayed up with Madison and myself this time so that was cool because usually it's just me and Madison. Richard and Robert also stayed the night but they crashed in the spare bedroom.
Woke up to Brian cleaning around 11:30...so didn't sleep much. Brittany, Billy and Brian's dad came by for the Broncos game, which they won by the way! So that was good...it's not pretty when Denver loses in the presence of the Mizells.
Hate to cut this off but I'm going to bed...
Love life.

p.s. I really like Thrice's "Image of the Invisible" song/video.
check it out.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today...I played frisbee golf after work with brian because it was so beautiful out and you just really couldn't pass it up once the thought came to mind. It was a perfect sunny December day (Yeah, I know...ironic. Are you writing this down Alanis?) and took full advantage of playing the first 12 holes before heading back over to his place.
Watched part of the modern Romeo and Juliet featuring DeCap but then decided against it and watched 2 of the last 3 episodes of the first season of Lost (they watched the last episode after giving me a ride home) and unless you're one of those people that skip things in parenthesis when you read because a lot of the time it's shinfo then you would know that this would bring me to where I'm currently at in life.
Feelin a little spazzy...don't know what the motive might be.
My shoes came in that I longed for after searching high and low for two years. Journey's was just like, 'Sup? We got your Asics, no big.' out of nowhere (because that's where I originally bought them two years ago and then they just stopped making the damn shoe apparently...that was total shinfo by the way, so if you skip these you're good).
I think I'll finish christmas shopping this weekend...maybe not.
The new Britney Spears CD dropped today...shit goes hard.